2007.....a year to cherish.....
2007 was when.........
when we
started earning .........
when we made new amazing friends.....
when some of us moved to a new city.....
when some of us celebrated our 22
nd or 23 rd birthdays.....
when we waved good bye to our buddies leaving to the states for higher studies...
when some of us fell in love........
when some of us got married
,engaged ......
when some of us fell out of love
when some of us got hurt
2007 when
when we would have made mistakes
when we made life decisions.......
when these decisions turned out to be a tragedy
when some of us felt lonely ....
when some of us made an amazing friends in a new city
when some of us would have learnt to be stronger.....
when some of us would have realized that everything happens for a reason.....
when some of us let out our anger.....
when some of us never opened up to our friends about how
we felt....
when some of us felt so glad and happy to be the way they are.....
when we go out everyday and meet up with our friends...
when we had serious talks with our dad about our future.....
when we missed each other when we were at hometown………..
when we missed our mom here …..
when we cried for each other …….
When we celebrated our first Christmas with our friends ….
When we were jobless all the time in office ……..
When we walked around the streets late in the night ……
When we put budget for the next month (but strictly not following it)
Last year has taken us through all our ups and downs we faced in our life...
2008.......one more year .....a year to....
To find our life partner (might be)
to smile........
to let people know how much u care...
to learn from our mistakes.......
to cry when we are feeling down.....
to follow our dreams.......
to fight against everything for our dreams to come true.....
to be more confident.........
to be more strong at heart and mind.....
to enrich our knowledge.........
to make others happy....
Lets take each day as it comes........
Forget about the downs we came across in the past year........
And remember every lesson we learnt through them........
Lets Enjoy Life to The Fullest............
Lets Be thankful for every day.....
All the Very Best For The Year to Come.....
WE guys are going to definitely Rock this year........
All The Best for 2008.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
School Master from a remote rural area in Bihar was transferred to a
new school in Mumbai. He reported for duty two days after actual date of joining.
Consequently was asked for explanation in writing. His explanation was:
Deer sur,
"This is my first vijit to Bombai. If small small mistakes get inside my
letter, I ask pardon. Stickly speaking, I wanted to joint your school more
fastly, but for the following reason, too much time lost in getting
slipper reservation in three-tyre compartment. I was with 3 tickets to I,
my sun and my wife.
But in the train a person was lieng on the birth of my sun.
I put complaint on station master- "A person who is lieying above my wife
is not giving birth to my sun".
He said I to go to lady clerk.
At first she also rejected. I then pressed her for long time and at last
with great difficulty she gave a birth to my sun. Anyway I thanked the
station master because he was responsible for getting birth of my sun.
I hope u will see my hole story and late me first time I am now ending
this fastly.
May God blast you?"
new school in Mumbai. He reported for duty two days after actual date of joining.
Consequently was asked for explanation in writing. His explanation was:
Deer sur,
"This is my first vijit to Bombai. If small small mistakes get inside my
letter, I ask pardon. Stickly speaking, I wanted to joint your school more
fastly, but for the following reason, too much time lost in getting
slipper reservation in three-tyre compartment. I was with 3 tickets to I,
my sun and my wife.
But in the train a person was lieng on the birth of my sun.
I put complaint on station master- "A person who is lieying above my wife
is not giving birth to my sun".
He said I to go to lady clerk.
At first she also rejected. I then pressed her for long time and at last
with great difficulty she gave a birth to my sun. Anyway I thanked the
station master because he was responsible for getting birth of my sun.
I hope u will see my hole story and late me first time I am now ending
this fastly.
May God blast you?"
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
A new virus has just been discovered that has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive ever. This virus was discovered yesterday afternoon by McAfee .
This virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the hard disk, where vital information for its functioning are stored. This virus acts in the following manner:
It sends itself automatically to all contacts on your list with the title:
"A Card for You".
As soon as the supposed virtual card is opened the computer freezes so that the user has to reboot.
When the ctrl+alt+ del keys or the reset button are pressed, the virus destroys Sector Zero, thus permanently destroying the hard disk.
Yesterday in just a few hours this virus caused panic in New York , according to news broadcast by CNN.
This alert was received by an employee of Microsoft itself.
So don't open any mails with subject: "A Virtual Card for You. " As soon as you get the mail, delete it !! Even if you know the sender !!!
Please pass this mail to all you know.
A new virus has just been discovered that has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive ever. This virus was discovered yesterday afternoon by McAfee .
This virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the hard disk, where vital information for its functioning are stored. This virus acts in the following manner:
It sends itself automatically to all contacts on your list with the title:
"A Card for You".
As soon as the supposed virtual card is opened the computer freezes so that the user has to reboot.
When the ctrl+alt+ del keys or the reset button are pressed, the virus destroys Sector Zero, thus permanently destroying the hard disk.
Yesterday in just a few hours this virus caused panic in New York , according to news broadcast by CNN.
This alert was received by an employee of Microsoft itself.
So don't open any mails with subject: "A Virtual Card for You. " As soon as you get the mail, delete it !! Even if you know the sender !!!
Please pass this mail to all you know.
Very interesting...........
Very interesting...
short story.....
Five cannibals (Man eaters) get appointed as programmers in an IT company. During the welcoming ceremony the boss says: "You're all part of our team now. You can earn good money here, and you can go to the company canteen for something to eat. So don't trouble the other employees". The cannibals promise not to trouble the other employees.
Four weeks later the boss returns and says: "You're all working very hard, and I'm very satisfied with all of you. One of our developers has disappeared however. Do any of you know what happened to her?" The cannibals disown all knowledge of the missing developer. After the boss left, the leader of the cannibals says to the others: "Which of you idiots ate the developer?"
One of the cannibals raises his hand hesitantly, to which the leader of the cannibals says: "You FOOL! For four weeks we've been eating team leaders, managers, and project managers and no-one has noticed anything, and now YOU ate one developer and it got noticed. So hereafter please don't eat a person who is working."
short story.....
Five cannibals (Man eaters) get appointed as programmers in an IT company. During the welcoming ceremony the boss says: "You're all part of our team now. You can earn good money here, and you can go to the company canteen for something to eat. So don't trouble the other employees". The cannibals promise not to trouble the other employees.
Four weeks later the boss returns and says: "You're all working very hard, and I'm very satisfied with all of you. One of our developers has disappeared however. Do any of you know what happened to her?" The cannibals disown all knowledge of the missing developer. After the boss left, the leader of the cannibals says to the others: "Which of you idiots ate the developer?"
One of the cannibals raises his hand hesitantly, to which the leader of the cannibals says: "You FOOL! For four weeks we've been eating team leaders, managers, and project managers and no-one has noticed anything, and now YOU ate one developer and it got noticed. So hereafter please don't eat a person who is working."
Saturday, December 01, 2007
R U Busy?
> SATAN'S MEETING: (Read even if you're busy. Very
> well
> written.)
> Satan called a worldwide convention of demons.
> In his opening address he said,
> "We can't keep people from going to pray."
> "We can't keep them from reading their holy books
> and
> knowing the truth."
> "We can't even keep them from forming an intimate
> relationship with their GOD."
> "Once they gain that connection with GOD, our power
> over them is broken."
> "So let them go to their prayers; let them have
> their
> covered dish dinners, BUT steal their time, so they
> don't have time to develop a relationship with
> GOD.."
> "This is what I want you to do," said the devil:
> "Distract them from gaining hold of their GOD and
> maintaining that vital connection throughout their
> day!"
> "How shall we do this?" his demons shouted.
> "Keep them busy in the non-essentials of life and
> invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds,"
> he
> answered.
> "Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, and borrow,
> borrow, borrow."
> "Persuade the wives to go to work for long hours and
> the husbands to work 6-7 days each week, 10-12 hours
> a
> day, so they can afford their empty lifestyles."
> "Keep them from spending time with their children."
> "As their families fragment, soon, their homes will
> offer no escape from the pressures of work!"
> "Over-stimulate their minds so that they cannot hear
> that still, small voice."
> "Entice them to play the radio or cassette player
> whenever they drive." To keep the TV, VCR, CDs and
> their PCs going constantly in their home and see to
> it
> that every store and restaurant in the world plays
> non-biblical music constantly."
> "This will jam their minds and break that union with
> God."
> "Fill the coffee tables with magazines and
> newspapers."
> "Pound their minds with the news 24 hours a day."
> "Invade their driving moments with billboards."
> "Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, mail order
> catalogs, sweepstakes, and every kind of newsletter
> and promotional offering free products, services and
> false hopes.."
> "Keep skinny, beautiful models on the magazines and
> TV
> so their husbands will believe that outward beauty
> is
> what's important, and they'll become dissatisfied
> with
> their wives. "
> "Keep the wives too tired to love their husbands at
> night."
> "Give them headaches too! "
> "If they don't give their husbands the love they
> need,
> they will begin to look elsewhere."
> "That will fragment their families quickly!"
> "Give them distractions to distract them from
> teaching
> their children the real meaning of life."
> "Even in their recreation, let them be excessive."
> "Have them return from their recreation exhausted."
> "Keep them too busy to go out in nature and reflect
> on
> God's creation.
> Send them to amusement parks, sporting events,
> plays,
> concerts, and movies instead."
> "Keep them busy, busy, busy!"
> "And when they meet for spiritual fellowship,
> involve
> them in gossip and small talk so that they leave
> with
> troubled consciences. "
> "Crowd their lives with so many good causes they
> have
> no time to seek power from GOD."
> "Soon they will be working in their own strength,
> sacrificing their health and family for the good of
> the cause.."
> "It will work!"
> "It will work!"
> It was quite a plan!
> The demons went eagerly to their assignments causing
> people everywhere to get busier and more rushed,
> going
> here and there.
> Having little time for their God or their families.
> Having no time to tell others about the power of GOD
> to change lives.
> I guess the question is, has the devil been
> successful
> in his schemes?
> You be the judge!!!!!
> Does "BUSY" mean: B-eing U-nder S-atan's Y-oke?
> Please pass this on, if you aren't too BUSY!
> May be you are also a victim as I am......
> well
> written.)
> Satan called a worldwide convention of demons.
> In his opening address he said,
> "We can't keep people from going to pray."
> "We can't keep them from reading their holy books
> and
> knowing the truth."
> "We can't even keep them from forming an intimate
> relationship with their GOD."
> "Once they gain that connection with GOD, our power
> over them is broken."
> "So let them go to their prayers; let them have
> their
> covered dish dinners, BUT steal their time, so they
> don't have time to develop a relationship with
> GOD.."
> "This is what I want you to do," said the devil:
> "Distract them from gaining hold of their GOD and
> maintaining that vital connection throughout their
> day!"
> "How shall we do this?" his demons shouted.
> "Keep them busy in the non-essentials of life and
> invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds,"
> he
> answered.
> "Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, and borrow,
> borrow, borrow."
> "Persuade the wives to go to work for long hours and
> the husbands to work 6-7 days each week, 10-12 hours
> a
> day, so they can afford their empty lifestyles."
> "Keep them from spending time with their children."
> "As their families fragment, soon, their homes will
> offer no escape from the pressures of work!"
> "Over-stimulate their minds so that they cannot hear
> that still, small voice."
> "Entice them to play the radio or cassette player
> whenever they drive." To keep the TV, VCR, CDs and
> their PCs going constantly in their home and see to
> it
> that every store and restaurant in the world plays
> non-biblical music constantly."
> "This will jam their minds and break that union with
> God."
> "Fill the coffee tables with magazines and
> newspapers."
> "Pound their minds with the news 24 hours a day."
> "Invade their driving moments with billboards."
> "Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, mail order
> catalogs, sweepstakes, and every kind of newsletter
> and promotional offering free products, services and
> false hopes.."
> "Keep skinny, beautiful models on the magazines and
> TV
> so their husbands will believe that outward beauty
> is
> what's important, and they'll become dissatisfied
> with
> their wives. "
> "Keep the wives too tired to love their husbands at
> night."
> "Give them headaches too! "
> "If they don't give their husbands the love they
> need,
> they will begin to look elsewhere."
> "That will fragment their families quickly!"
> "Give them distractions to distract them from
> teaching
> their children the real meaning of life."
> "Even in their recreation, let them be excessive."
> "Have them return from their recreation exhausted."
> "Keep them too busy to go out in nature and reflect
> on
> God's creation.
> Send them to amusement parks, sporting events,
> plays,
> concerts, and movies instead."
> "Keep them busy, busy, busy!"
> "And when they meet for spiritual fellowship,
> involve
> them in gossip and small talk so that they leave
> with
> troubled consciences. "
> "Crowd their lives with so many good causes they
> have
> no time to seek power from GOD."
> "Soon they will be working in their own strength,
> sacrificing their health and family for the good of
> the cause.."
> "It will work!"
> "It will work!"
> It was quite a plan!
> The demons went eagerly to their assignments causing
> people everywhere to get busier and more rushed,
> going
> here and there.
> Having little time for their God or their families.
> Having no time to tell others about the power of GOD
> to change lives.
> I guess the question is, has the devil been
> successful
> in his schemes?
> You be the judge!!!!!
> Does "BUSY" mean: B-eing U-nder S-atan's Y-oke?
> Please pass this on, if you aren't too BUSY!
> May be you are also a victim as I am......
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Shekar Kammula Happy Days

Chandu (Sandesh), Rajesh (Nikhil), Shankar (Vamsi Krishna), Tyson (Raahul), Madhu (Tamanna), Appu (Gayatri Rao) and Sangeeta (Monali Chowdary) are a bunch of freshers in a college. They all together make a fine gang. Chandu - Madhu, Rajesh - Appu Shankar - Sangeeta soon build up their relation and become pairs. Tyson - a nerd with a heart of gold - ends up falling in love with a senior Sravanthi (Sonia). The rest of the story is how they spend their four years of their education in the campus and express love for their respective dear ones.
Artists Performance
Main male leads: This film boasts of perfect casting. You see characters, not the actors. All the new comers performed in an extremely natural way. And by the time movie ends, we end up understanding the characteristics and traits of each and every one. As per the footage and likeability of the character is concerned Varun Sandesh takes the top ranking. He is extremely lovable and his striking resemblance to hero Siddhardh is an added advantage. He understood the character very well. The next is Raahul. Lots of credit should be given to Sekhar Kammula for penning such a beautiful character and Raahul suited it to the tee. Nikhil is pretty good as the tapori. He got considerable importance towards the latter half of the second half. Vamsi Krishna is a pretty good actor, but did not get enough scope to perform. The two guys who had donned the role of seniors are good.
Main female leads: Tamanna is the main heroine of the film. She is very good and she oozed natural expressions in all her scenes. Gayatri Rao is also very natural and likable. However, it is Sonia who steals the show with her extremely natural and at times subtle expressions. Monali Chowdary is good as the bad girl. Kamalinee Mukherjee did the role of an extremely glamorous lecturer and she dubbed her own voice. She is cool.
Technical Departments:
Story - screenplay - direction: There is not much of a story in this film. It is about the love of four couples spread over four years. What makes the big difference to this simple and plain story is director's ability to create interest throughout the film with neat screenplay. He brought out tremendous emotion in the scenes of separation and reunion between the pairs
The following scenes standout:
1. The separation scene of Tyson and Sravanthi is very fascinating.
2. Rajesh’s reaction after he beats up his friend Shankar.
3. The way he ended the love thread between Tyson and Sravanthi. If Sravanthi accepted Tyson's love, then it would appear that the director is giving messages that it is ok to love your senior girls in the college.
The following dialogues are so meaningful and true:
1. Love and fear can never coexist.
2. A boy's character is judged by the kind of girls he roams with.
3. The college life may fail you to achieve great academic rewards, but it will definitely give you the ability to achieve any thing.
4. College Days are Happy Days. The days that follow college days are purposeful days.
However the following aspects of the film are unwarranted:
1. Rajesh's hair style in the beginning appears artificial. And he keeps using Telangana dialect though he is from Proddutur (Rayalaseema).
2. Tyson doing some scientific tricks. The extent of the tricks should have been limited.
3. The character of Panduranga Rao was introduced well. But there is no ending to that character.
I could not resist from bringing the comparison of the ego clash between lead pair in this film to that of Kushi film. In that film Bhumika Chawla had a clash with Pawan because he peeked at her midriff. In this film the ego clash comes out because the guy wants to kiss the girl.
Other departments: Music of the film is excellent and the two songs in the first half (music + visuals) take you to the different level. Micky J Meyer is just superb. Other department that dominates the movie is great cinematography. Visuals are a feast to the eyes. Vijay C Kumar who followed single color pattern for Anand and Godavari came up with different color sceheme for this film so that the visuals match the vibrancy of college atmosphere. Editing by Marthand K Venkatesh deserves special mention. He made sure the scenes flow in the film is smooth.
Analysis: First half of the film is neat though some of us might feel that Sekhar Kammula kind of emotional scenes are not there. But in the second half of the film, he added good emotional episodes and made sure that you get connected with the film. The plus points of the film are direction, fresh cast, music, cinematography and editing. On the flip side, the pace of the film slackens at times. Sekhar Kammula who did female oriented films like Anand and Godavari came up with a film of different genre this time. The genre might be changed, but his honesty and filmmaking abilities are in tact. If he sticks to his sensibilities, Sekhar Kammula can never make a bad film. Go and watch 'Happy Days'
What is ur ism???
You have two cows
Love Desi Mails? Click here to join Mr-Desi
Chandrababuism : You have two cows in Vijayawada. You hook them to Internet and milk them from Hyderabad .
Jayalalithaism : You have two cows. You teach them to cry,"Ammaaaaaaa.. ." and fall at your feet.
Karunanidhiism : You have two cows. You give one to your son and the other to your nephew ..
Gandhism : You have two cows. But you drink goat's milk.
Indiraism : You have two bulls. You adamantly consider them as cows.
Lalooism : You have two cows. You buy Rs. 900 Crore worth of cattlefeed for them.
Rajnikantism : You have two cows. You throw them into air and catch their milk in your mouth.
Rajivism : You have two cows. You paint them both to get colourful milk .
Softwarism: (Ultimate....)
Client has 2 cows and u need to milk them.
1 . First prepare a document when to milk th em (Project kick off)
2 . Prepare a document how long you have to milk them (Project plan)
3 . Then prepare how to milk them (Design)
4 . Then prepare what other accessories are needed to milk them (Framework)
5 . Then prepare a 2 dummy cows (sort of toy cows) and show to client the way in which u will milk them (UI Mockups & POC)
6 . If client is not satisfied then redo from step 2
7 You actually start milking them and find that there are few problem with accessories. (Change framework)
8 . Redo step 4
9 . At last milk them and send it to onsite. (Coding ove r)
10. Make sure that cow milks properly ( Testing)
11. Onsite reports that it is not milking there.
12. You break your head and find that onsite is trying to milk from bulls
13. At last onsite milk them and send to client (Testing)
14. Client says the quality of milk is not good. (User Acceptance Test)
15. Offsite then slogs and improves the quality of milk
16. Now the client says that the quality is good but its milking at slow rate (performance issue)
17. Again you slog and send it with good performance.
18. Client is happy???
By this time both the COWs aged and cant milk.
(The software got old and get ready for next release repeat from step 1) !!!!!
Love Desi Mails? Click here to join Mr-Desi
Chandrababuism : You have two cows in Vijayawada. You hook them to Internet and milk them from Hyderabad .
Jayalalithaism : You have two cows. You teach them to cry,"Ammaaaaaaa.. ." and fall at your feet.
Karunanidhiism : You have two cows. You give one to your son and the other to your nephew ..
Gandhism : You have two cows. But you drink goat's milk.
Indiraism : You have two bulls. You adamantly consider them as cows.
Lalooism : You have two cows. You buy Rs. 900 Crore worth of cattlefeed for them.
Rajnikantism : You have two cows. You throw them into air and catch their milk in your mouth.
Rajivism : You have two cows. You paint them both to get colourful milk .
Softwarism: (Ultimate....)
Client has 2 cows and u need to milk them.
1 . First prepare a document when to milk th em (Project kick off)
2 . Prepare a document how long you have to milk them (Project plan)
3 . Then prepare how to milk them (Design)
4 . Then prepare what other accessories are needed to milk them (Framework)
5 . Then prepare a 2 dummy cows (sort of toy cows) and show to client the way in which u will milk them (UI Mockups & POC)
6 . If client is not satisfied then redo from step 2
7 You actually start milking them and find that there are few problem with accessories. (Change framework)
8 . Redo step 4
9 . At last milk them and send it to onsite. (Coding ove r)
10. Make sure that cow milks properly ( Testing)
11. Onsite reports that it is not milking there.
12. You break your head and find that onsite is trying to milk from bulls
13. At last onsite milk them and send to client (Testing)
14. Client says the quality of milk is not good. (User Acceptance Test)
15. Offsite then slogs and improves the quality of milk
16. Now the client says that the quality is good but its milking at slow rate (performance issue)
17. Again you slog and send it with good performance.
18. Client is happy???
By this time both the COWs aged and cant milk.
(The software got old and get ready for next release repeat from step 1) !!!!!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
కొత్త సీ(ఛీ)నిమాలండీ…
ఈ మద్య చిరు తనయుడి సిని అరంగెట్రం అదిరిపొయిందట,టి.వి లొ చెబుతున్నారు(చంపుతున్నారు) మరి
చిరుత - చిరంజీవి తనయుడు
ఈ క్రమంలొ ఆల్రడీ బుక్ అయిన మరికొన్ని సినిమాల పేర్లు.
ఉడుత - వెంకటేష్ తనయుడు
పిడుత - పవన్ కల్యాణ్ తనయుడు
మిడుత - మహెష్ తనయుడు
బుడుత - బాలక్రిష్ణ తనయుడు
ఇన్కా బుక్ అయిన సినిమాల పేర్లు.
చిరుత - చిరంజీవి తనయుడు
ఈ క్రమంలొ ఆల్రడీ బుక్ అయిన మరికొన్ని సినిమాల పేర్లు.
ఉడుత - వెంకటేష్ తనయుడు
పిడుత - పవన్ కల్యాణ్ తనయుడు
మిడుత - మహెష్ తనయుడు
బుడుత - బాలక్రిష్ణ తనయుడు
ఇన్కా బుక్ అయిన సినిమాల పేర్లు.
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Have u ever heard about LPG cylinder's expire date. I also didn't know.
How to find LPG cylinder's expiry date?
Very important information.
Do you know that there is an expiry date (physical life) for LPG
Expired Cylinders are not safe for use and may cause accidents. In this
regard please be cautious at the time of accepting any LPG cylinder from
the vendor.
Here is how we can check the expiry of LPG cylinders:
On one of three side stems of the cylinder, the expiry date is coded
numerically as follows A or B or C or D and some two digit number
this e.g. D06.
The alphabets stand for quarters -
A for March (First Qtr)
B for June (Second Qtr)
C for Sept (Third Qtr)
D for December (Fourth Qtr)
The digits stand for the year till it is valid.
Hence D06 would mean December qtr of 2006.
Share this message with everyone you know, UR kind cooperation will save
life of many people and create awareness among the public.
Please do not accept the cylinder if the date has already expired.
"A" stands for the first quarter ie January to March and
"07" stands for the present year 2007.
We all were still confused with the terms used above.
A-07 indicates the expiry life of cylinder and not the GAS filled in it.
This cylinder should not be used and returned to the gas dealer.
Expired Cylinders are not safe for use and may cause accidents.
ALL concerned should take necessary steps.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Saint Theresa's Prayer
May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilitie s that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilitie s that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
This info. is sure to help PC users very much.
During a recent visit to an optician, one of my friends was told of an
exercise for the eyes by a specialist doctor that he termed as
20-20-20 ." It is apt for all of us, who spend long hours at our desks,
looking at the computer screen.
I Thought I'd share it with you. 20-20-20
Step I :-
After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen, turn your
head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. This
changes the focal length of your eyes, a must-do for the tired eyes.
Step II :-
Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, to moisten them.
Step III :-
Time permitting of course, one should walk 20 paces after every 20 minutes
of sitting in one particular posture. Helps blood circulation for the entire body.
Circulate among your friends if you care for them and their eyes.
They say that your eyes r mirror of your soul, so do take care of them, they are priceless... ...javascript:void(0)
Publish Post
exercise for the eyes by a specialist doctor that he termed as
20-20-20 ." It is apt for all of us, who spend long hours at our desks,
looking at the computer screen.
I Thought I'd share it with you. 20-20-20
Step I :-
After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen, turn your
head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. This
changes the focal length of your eyes, a must-do for the tired eyes.
Step II :-
Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, to moisten them.
Step III :-
Time permitting of course, one should walk 20 paces after every 20 minutes
of sitting in one particular posture. Helps blood circulation for the entire body.
Circulate among your friends if you care for them and their eyes.
They say that your eyes r mirror of your soul, so do take care of them, they are priceless... ...javascript:void(0)
Publish Post
Race of Life

Every morning in Africa, a gazelle awakens. He has only one thought on his mind: To be able to run faster than the fastest lion. If he cannot, then he will be eaten.
Every morning in Africa a lion awakens. He has only one thought on his mind: To be able to run faster than the slowest gazelle. If he cannot, he will die of hunger.
Whether you choose to be a gazelle or a lion is of no consequence. It is enough to know that with the rising of the sun, you must run. And you must run faster than you did yesterday or you will die.
This is the race of life."
- African Proverb
Ant & Grasshopper
Ant & Grasshopper
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.
Come winter,the Ant is warm and well fed. The Grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold.
Modern Version
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The Grasshopper thinks the Ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering Grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the Ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.
NDTV, BBC, CNN show up to provide pictures of the shivering Grasshopper next to a video of the Ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.
The World is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be that this poor Grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?
Arundhati Roy stages a demonstration in front of the Ant's house.
Medha Patkar goes on a fast along with other Grasshoppers demanding that Grasshoppers be relocated to warmer climates during winter.
Amnesty International and Koffi Annan criticizes the Indian Government for not upholding the fundamental rights of the Grasshopper.
The Internet is flooded with online petitions seeking support to the Grasshopper (many promising Heaven and Everlasting Peace for prompt support as against the wrath of God for non-compliance).
Opposition MPs stage a walkout. Left parties call for "Bharat Bandh" in West Bengal and Kerala demanding a Judicial Enquiry.
CPM in Kerala immediately passes a law preventing Ants from working hard in the heat so as to bring about equality of poverty among Ants and Grasshoppers.
Lalu Prasad allocates one free coach to Grasshoppers on all Indian Railway Trains, aptly named as the 'Grasshopper Rath'.
Finally, the Judicial Committee drafts the 'Prevention of Terrorism Against Grasshoppers Act' [POTAGA], with effect from the beginning of the winter.
Arjun Singh makes 'Special Reservation ' for Grasshoppers in Educational Institutions & in Government Services.
The Ant is fined for failing to comply with POTAGA and having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes,it's home is confiscated by the Government and handed over to the Grasshopper in a ceremony covered by NDTV.
Arundhati Roy calls it 'A Triumph of Justice'.
Lalu calls it 'Socialistic Justice '.
CPM calls it the 'Revolutionary Resurgence of the Downtrodden '
Koffi Annan invites the Grasshopper to address the UN General Assembly.
Many years later...
The Ant has since migrated to the US and set up a multi-billion dollar company in Silicon Valley .
100s of Grasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in India ...
As a result of loosing lot of hard working Ants and feeding the Grasshoppers, India is still a developing country!!!
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.
Come winter,the Ant is warm and well fed. The Grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold.
Modern Version
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The Grasshopper thinks the Ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering Grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the Ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.
NDTV, BBC, CNN show up to provide pictures of the shivering Grasshopper next to a video of the Ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.
The World is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be that this poor Grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?
Arundhati Roy stages a demonstration in front of the Ant's house.
Medha Patkar goes on a fast along with other Grasshoppers demanding that Grasshoppers be relocated to warmer climates during winter.
Amnesty International and Koffi Annan criticizes the Indian Government for not upholding the fundamental rights of the Grasshopper.
The Internet is flooded with online petitions seeking support to the Grasshopper (many promising Heaven and Everlasting Peace for prompt support as against the wrath of God for non-compliance).
Opposition MPs stage a walkout. Left parties call for "Bharat Bandh" in West Bengal and Kerala demanding a Judicial Enquiry.
CPM in Kerala immediately passes a law preventing Ants from working hard in the heat so as to bring about equality of poverty among Ants and Grasshoppers.
Lalu Prasad allocates one free coach to Grasshoppers on all Indian Railway Trains, aptly named as the 'Grasshopper Rath'.
Finally, the Judicial Committee drafts the 'Prevention of Terrorism Against Grasshoppers Act' [POTAGA], with effect from the beginning of the winter.
Arjun Singh makes 'Special Reservation ' for Grasshoppers in Educational Institutions & in Government Services.
The Ant is fined for failing to comply with POTAGA and having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes,it's home is confiscated by the Government and handed over to the Grasshopper in a ceremony covered by NDTV.
Arundhati Roy calls it 'A Triumph of Justice'.
Lalu calls it 'Socialistic Justice '.
CPM calls it the 'Revolutionary Resurgence of the Downtrodden '
Koffi Annan invites the Grasshopper to address the UN General Assembly.
Many years later...
The Ant has since migrated to the US and set up a multi-billion dollar company in Silicon Valley .
100s of Grasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in India ...
As a result of loosing lot of hard working Ants and feeding the Grasshoppers, India is still a developing country!!!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Confusing Name
An Indian guy named "Anantharaman Subbaraman " arrived at the New York airport and ended up waiting for his visa for about 2 hours for the authorities to call his name.
He got fed up and went to them and asked why they haven't called his name yet.
They said that they have been calling him for the last 2 hours as
"Anotherman Superman"
An Indian guy named "Anantharaman Subbaraman " arrived at the New York airport and ended up waiting for his visa for about 2 hours for the authorities to call his name.
He got fed up and went to them and asked why they haven't called his name yet.
They said that they have been calling him for the last 2 hours as
"Anotherman Superman"
Be Careful
Please Read Very Carefully - INFORM FRIENDS & FAMILY.
India and Pakistan have become a dumping ground for banned drugs; also the business for production of banned drugs is booming. Please make sure that you buy drugs only prescribed by a doctor (Also, ask which company manufactures it, this would help to ensure that u get what is prescribed at the Drug Store) and that also from a reputed drug store. Not many people know about these banned drugs and consume them causing a lot of damage to themselves. We forward Jokes and other junk all the time. This is far more important.
Please Make sure u forward it everyone u know.
This is a pain-killer. Reason for ban: Bone marrow depression.
Brand name: Novalgin
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __
Acidity, constipation. Reason for ban : irregular heartbeat
Brand name : Ciza, Syspride
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___
Anti-depressant. Reason for ban : Irregular heartbeat.
Brand name : Droperol
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____
Antidiarrhoeal. Reason for ban : Cancer.
Brand name : Furoxone, Lomofen
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ____
Painkiller, fever. Reason for ban : Liver failure.
Brand name : Nise, Nimulid
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______
Antibacterial cream. Reason for ban : Cancer.
Brand name : Furacin
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______
Laxative. Reason for ban : Cancer.
Brand name : Agarol
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______
cold and cough. Reason for ban : stroke.
Brand name : D'cold, Vicks Action-500
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Reason for ban : Bone marrow depression.
Brand name : Sioril
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____
Anti-worms. Reason for ban : Nerve damage.
Brand name : Piperazine
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______
Anti-diarrhoeal. Reason for ban : Damage to sight.
Brand name : Enteroquinol
Take Care
India and Pakistan have become a dumping ground for banned drugs; also the business for production of banned drugs is booming. Please make sure that you buy drugs only prescribed by a doctor (Also, ask which company manufactures it, this would help to ensure that u get what is prescribed at the Drug Store) and that also from a reputed drug store. Not many people know about these banned drugs and consume them causing a lot of damage to themselves. We forward Jokes and other junk all the time. This is far more important.
Please Make sure u forward it everyone u know.
This is a pain-killer. Reason for ban: Bone marrow depression.
Brand name: Novalgin
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __
Acidity, constipation. Reason for ban : irregular heartbeat
Brand name : Ciza, Syspride
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___
Anti-depressant. Reason for ban : Irregular heartbeat.
Brand name : Droperol
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____
Antidiarrhoeal. Reason for ban : Cancer.
Brand name : Furoxone, Lomofen
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ____
Painkiller, fever. Reason for ban : Liver failure.
Brand name : Nise, Nimulid
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______
Antibacterial cream. Reason for ban : Cancer.
Brand name : Furacin
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______
Laxative. Reason for ban : Cancer.
Brand name : Agarol
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______
cold and cough. Reason for ban : stroke.
Brand name : D'cold, Vicks Action-500
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Reason for ban : Bone marrow depression.
Brand name : Sioril
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____
Anti-worms. Reason for ban : Nerve damage.
Brand name : Piperazine
____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______
Anti-diarrhoeal. Reason for ban : Damage to sight.
Brand name : Enteroquinol
Take Care
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Intresting Conversation :-)
Software Engineer Husband
Husband - hey dear, I am logged in.
Wife - would you like to have some snacks?
Husband - hard disk full.
Wife - have you brought the saree.
Husband - Bad command or file name.
Wife - but I told you about it in morning
Husband - erroneous syntax, abort, retry, cancel.
Wife - hae bhagwan !forget it where's your salary.
Husband - file in use, read only, try after some time.
Wife - at least give me your credit card,
i can do some shopping.
Husband - sharing violation, access denied.
Wife - i made a mistake in marrying you.
Husband - data type mismatch.
Wife - you are useless.
Husband - by default.
Wife - who was there with you in the car this morning?
Husband - system unstable press ctrl, alt, del to
Wife - what is the relation between you & your
Husband - the only user with write permission.
Wife - what is my value in your life?
Husband - unknown virus detected.
Wife - do you love me or your computer?
Husband - Too many parameters.
Wife - i will go to my dad's house.
Husband - program performed illegal operation, it will
Wife - I will leave you forever.
Husband - close all programs and log out for another User.
Wife - it is worthless talking to you.
Husband - shut down the computer.
Wife - I am going
Husband - Its now safe to turn off your computer
Husband - hey dear, I am logged in.
Wife - would you like to have some snacks?
Husband - hard disk full.
Wife - have you brought the saree.
Husband - Bad command or file name.
Wife - but I told you about it in morning
Husband - erroneous syntax, abort, retry, cancel.
Wife - hae bhagwan !forget it where's your salary.
Husband - file in use, read only, try after some time.
Wife - at least give me your credit card,
i can do some shopping.
Husband - sharing violation, access denied.
Wife - i made a mistake in marrying you.
Husband - data type mismatch.
Wife - you are useless.
Husband - by default.
Wife - who was there with you in the car this morning?
Husband - system unstable press ctrl, alt, del to
Wife - what is the relation between you & your
Husband - the only user with write permission.
Wife - what is my value in your life?
Husband - unknown virus detected.
Wife - do you love me or your computer?
Husband - Too many parameters.
Wife - i will go to my dad's house.
Husband - program performed illegal operation, it will
Wife - I will leave you forever.
Husband - close all programs and log out for another User.
Wife - it is worthless talking to you.
Husband - shut down the computer.
Wife - I am going
Husband - Its now safe to turn off your computer
Can u Guess who is that student?
An atheist professor of philosophy speaks to his class on the problem
science has with God, The Almighty. He asks one of his new students to
stand and.....
Prof : So you believe in God?
Student: Absolutely, sir.
Prof: Is God good?
Student: Sure.
Prof: Is God all-powerful?
Student: Yes.
Prof: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to God to heal him.
Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But God didn't. How
is this God good then? Hmm?
Student is silent.
Prof: Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Tell me, son...Have you ever seen God?
Student: No, sir.
Prof: Tell us if you have ever heard your God?
Student: No, sir.
Prof: Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God, smelt your God? Have you ever had any sensory perception of God for that matter?
Student: No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.
Prof: Yet you still believe in Him?
Student: Yes.
Prof: According to empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science
says your GOD doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?
Student: Nothing. I only have my faith.
Prof: Yes Faith. And that is the problem science has. Now the student said can I ask something to you Professor.
Student: Professor, is there such a thing as heat?
Prof: Yes.
Student : And is there such a thing as cold?
Prof: Yes.
Student: No sir. There isn't.
(The lecture theatre becomes very quiet with this turn of events.)
Student: Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don't have anything called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it. (There is pin-drop silence in the lecture theatre.)
Student: What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as
Prof: Yes. What is night if there isn't darkness?
Student: You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something.
You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light... But
if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and its called darkness, isn't it? In reality, darkness isn't. If it were you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?
Prof: So what is the point you are making, young man?
Student: Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.
Prof: Flawed? Can you explain how?
Student: Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there
is life and then there is death, a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, science can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor. Do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?
Prof: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of
course, I do.
Student: Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?
(The Professor shakes his head with a smile, beginning to realize where
the argument is going.)
Student: Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavour, are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?
(The class is in uproar.)
Student: Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor's brain?
(The class breaks out into laughter.)
Student: Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor's brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No one appears to have done so. So,
according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable
protocol, science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect,
sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir?
(The room is silent. The professor stares at the student, his face
unfathomable. )
Prof: I guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.
Student: That is it sir... The link between man & god is FAITH. That is
all that keeps things moving & alive. .
This is a true story, and the student was none other than
DR. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
science has with God, The Almighty. He asks one of his new students to
stand and.....
Prof : So you believe in God?
Student: Absolutely, sir.
Prof: Is God good?
Student: Sure.
Prof: Is God all-powerful?
Student: Yes.
Prof: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to God to heal him.
Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But God didn't. How
is this God good then? Hmm?
Student is silent.
Prof: Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Tell me, son...Have you ever seen God?
Student: No, sir.
Prof: Tell us if you have ever heard your God?
Student: No, sir.
Prof: Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God, smelt your God? Have you ever had any sensory perception of God for that matter?
Student: No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.
Prof: Yet you still believe in Him?
Student: Yes.
Prof: According to empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science
says your GOD doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?
Student: Nothing. I only have my faith.
Prof: Yes Faith. And that is the problem science has. Now the student said can I ask something to you Professor.
Student: Professor, is there such a thing as heat?
Prof: Yes.
Student : And is there such a thing as cold?
Prof: Yes.
Student: No sir. There isn't.
(The lecture theatre becomes very quiet with this turn of events.)
Student: Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don't have anything called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it. (There is pin-drop silence in the lecture theatre.)
Student: What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as
Prof: Yes. What is night if there isn't darkness?
Student: You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something.
You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light... But
if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and its called darkness, isn't it? In reality, darkness isn't. If it were you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?
Prof: So what is the point you are making, young man?
Student: Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.
Prof: Flawed? Can you explain how?
Student: Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there
is life and then there is death, a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, science can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor. Do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?
Prof: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of
course, I do.
Student: Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?
(The Professor shakes his head with a smile, beginning to realize where
the argument is going.)
Student: Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavour, are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?
(The class is in uproar.)
Student: Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor's brain?
(The class breaks out into laughter.)
Student: Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor's brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No one appears to have done so. So,
according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable
protocol, science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect,
sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir?
(The room is silent. The professor stares at the student, his face
unfathomable. )
Prof: I guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.
Student: That is it sir... The link between man & god is FAITH. That is
all that keeps things moving & alive. .
This is a true story, and the student was none other than
DR. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Some time ago I received a call from a colleague. He was about to
give a
student a zero for his answer to a physics question, while the student
claimed a perfect score. The instructor and the student agreed to an
impartial arbiter, and I was selected.
I read the examination question:
The student had answered, "Take the barometer to the top of the building, attach a long rope to it, lower it to the street, and then bring it up, measuring the length of the rope. The length of the rope is the height of the building."
The student really had a strong case for full credit since he had really
answered the question completely and correctly! On the other hand, if full
credit were given, it could well contribute to a high grade in his physics
course and to certify competence in physics, but the answer did not confirm this.
I suggested that the student have another try. I gave the student six
minutes to answer the question with the warning that the answer should show some knowledge of physics . At the end of five minutes, he had not written anything. I asked if he wished to give up, but he said he had many answers to this problem; he was just thinking of the best one . I excused myself for interrupting him and asked him to please go on.
In the next minute, he dashed off his answer, which read:
"Take the barometer to the top of the building and lean over the edge of
the roof. Drop the barometer, timing its fall with a stopwatch. Then, using
the formula H = 1/2 x a x t 2 , calculate the height of the building."
At this point, I asked my colleague if he would give up. He conceded, and
gave the student almost full credit.
While leaving my colleague's office, I recalled that the student had said
that he had other answers to the problem, so I asked him what they were.
"Well," said the student, "there are many ways of getting the
height of a tall building with the aid of a barometer.
For example, you could take the barometer out on a sunny day and measure the height of the barometer, the length of its shadow, and the length of the shadow of the building, and by the use of simple proportion, determine the height of the building."
"Fine," I said, "and others?"
"Yes," said the student, "there is a very basic measurement
method you will like. In this method, you take the barometer and begin to
walk up the stairs. As you climb the stairs, you mark off the length of the barometer along the wall. You then count the number of marks, and this will give you the height of the building in barometer units."
"A very direct method."
"Of course. If you want a more sophisticated method, you can tie the
barometer to the end of a string, swing it as a pendulum, and determine the value of g at the street level and at the top of the building.
From the difference between the two values of g, the height of the
building, in principle, can be calculated."
"On this same tact, you could take the barometer to the top of the
building, attach a long rope to it, lower it to just above the street, and
then swing it as a pendulum. You could then calculate the height of the building by the period of the precession".
"Finally," he concluded, "there are many other ways of solving
the problem. Probably the best," he said, "is to take the barometer to the basement and knock on the superintendent's door. When the superintendent answers, you speak to him as follows:
'Mr. Superintendent, here is a fine barometer. If you will tell me the
height of the building, I will give you this barometer."
At this point, I asked the student if he really did not know the
conventional answer to this question. He admitted that he did, but said
that he was fed up with high school and college instructors trying to teach him how to think.
The student was Neil Bohr (known for quantum theory of physics &
mechanics,hydrogen atom etc ) and the arbiter wasRutherford .
give a
student a zero for his answer to a physics question, while the student
claimed a perfect score. The instructor and the student agreed to an
impartial arbiter, and I was selected.
I read the examination question:
The student had answered, "Take the barometer to the top of the building, attach a long rope to it, lower it to the street, and then bring it up, measuring the length of the rope. The length of the rope is the height of the building."
The student really had a strong case for full credit since he had really
answered the question completely and correctly! On the other hand, if full
credit were given, it could well contribute to a high grade in his physics
course and to certify competence in physics, but the answer did not confirm this.
I suggested that the student have another try. I gave the student six
minutes to answer the question with the warning that the answer should show some knowledge of physics . At the end of five minutes, he had not written anything. I asked if he wished to give up, but he said he had many answers to this problem; he was just thinking of the best one . I excused myself for interrupting him and asked him to please go on.
In the next minute, he dashed off his answer, which read:
"Take the barometer to the top of the building and lean over the edge of
the roof. Drop the barometer, timing its fall with a stopwatch. Then, using
the formula H = 1/2 x a x t 2 , calculate the height of the building."
At this point, I asked my colleague if he would give up. He conceded, and
gave the student almost full credit.
While leaving my colleague's office, I recalled that the student had said
that he had other answers to the problem, so I asked him what they were.
"Well," said the student, "there are many ways of getting the
height of a tall building with the aid of a barometer.
For example, you could take the barometer out on a sunny day and measure the height of the barometer, the length of its shadow, and the length of the shadow of the building, and by the use of simple proportion, determine the height of the building."
"Fine," I said, "and others?"
"Yes," said the student, "there is a very basic measurement
method you will like. In this method, you take the barometer and begin to
walk up the stairs. As you climb the stairs, you mark off the length of the barometer along the wall. You then count the number of marks, and this will give you the height of the building in barometer units."
"A very direct method."
"Of course. If you want a more sophisticated method, you can tie the
barometer to the end of a string, swing it as a pendulum, and determine the value of g at the street level and at the top of the building.
From the difference between the two values of g, the height of the
building, in principle, can be calculated."
"On this same tact, you could take the barometer to the top of the
building, attach a long rope to it, lower it to just above the street, and
then swing it as a pendulum. You could then calculate the height of the building by the period of the precession".
"Finally," he concluded, "there are many other ways of solving
the problem. Probably the best," he said, "is to take the barometer to the basement and knock on the superintendent's door. When the superintendent answers, you speak to him as follows:
'Mr. Superintendent, here is a fine barometer. If you will tell me the
height of the building, I will give you this barometer."
At this point, I asked the student if he really did not know the
conventional answer to this question. He admitted that he did, but said
that he was fed up with high school and college instructors trying to teach him how to think.
The student was Neil Bohr (known for quantum theory of physics &
mechanics,hydrogen atom etc ) and the arbiter wasRutherford .
Friday, June 01, 2007
To realize..............................
To realize
The value of a sister
Ask someone
Who doesn't have one.
To realize
The value of ten years:
Ask a newly
Divorced couple.
To realize
The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.
To realize
The value of one year:
Ask a student who
Has failed a final exam.
To realize
The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a still born.
To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother
who has given birth to
A premature baby.
To realize
The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize
The value of one hour:
Ask the lovers who are waiting to Meet.
To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realize
The value of one-second:
Ask a person
Who has survived an accident...
To! realize
The value of one millisecond:
Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics
Time waits for no one.
Treasure every moment you have.
You will treasure it even more when
you can share it with someone special.
To realize the value of a friend:
Lose one....
The value of a sister
Ask someone
Who doesn't have one.
To realize
The value of ten years:
Ask a newly
Divorced couple.
To realize
The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.
To realize
The value of one year:
Ask a student who
Has failed a final exam.
To realize
The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a still born.
To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother
who has given birth to
A premature baby.
To realize
The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize
The value of one hour:
Ask the lovers who are waiting to Meet.
To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realize
The value of one-second:
Ask a person
Who has survived an accident...
To! realize
The value of one millisecond:
Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics
Time waits for no one.
Treasure every moment you have.
You will treasure it even more when
you can share it with someone special.
To realize the value of a friend:
Lose one....
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Nobody can stop u from Orkutting !!!!
Orkut has blocked in ur workplace?
Getting problems in opening Orkut?
u have solution now
Thats "powerscrap.com"
u can do other things also such as...
Multiple scraps – send messages to various friends
New Skins - Change the color of your Orkut
PowerScrap Radio
Orkut communitie´s Chat room
Send YouTube and media in your scrap.
One unified account for all Orkut profiles
Confidential Scraps
Scraps via SMS (coming soon)
Power Dating (coming soon)
And much more...
Getting problems in opening Orkut?
u have solution now
Thats "powerscrap.com"
u can do other things also such as...
Multiple scraps – send messages to various friends
New Skins - Change the color of your Orkut
PowerScrap Radio
Orkut communitie´s Chat room
Send YouTube and media in your scrap.
One unified account for all Orkut profiles
Confidential Scraps
Scraps via SMS (coming soon)
Power Dating (coming soon)
And much more...
To kill time i went to c Spiderman movie in Tamil. its a nice film full of Graphics n effects

In the third Spiderman instalment, Peter Parker, the humble persona of Spiderman, discovers a mysterious black suit that enhances his power, but unleashes his dark side, stirring up hidden feelings of bitterness and revenge.
The film cost almost $300 million to make, and is rumoured to be the most expensive film ever made.
The first two films of the series, directed by Sam Raimi, took a joint total of $1.6 billion at the box office.
With such previous success and a slew of fans that would ensure more to come, speculation about a fourth film has already begun which is slated to be released in 2011.
The film is released in Japan, China and selected European countries on 1st May and opens in India, UK and US on 4th May.

In the third Spiderman instalment, Peter Parker, the humble persona of Spiderman, discovers a mysterious black suit that enhances his power, but unleashes his dark side, stirring up hidden feelings of bitterness and revenge.
The film cost almost $300 million to make, and is rumoured to be the most expensive film ever made.
The first two films of the series, directed by Sam Raimi, took a joint total of $1.6 billion at the box office.
With such previous success and a slew of fans that would ensure more to come, speculation about a fourth film has already begun which is slated to be released in 2011.
The film is released in Japan, China and selected European countries on 1st May and opens in India, UK and US on 4th May.
its worthy to c this
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Friday, April 06, 2007
నీలా నువ్వు మళ్ళా ఎప్పుడు పుడతావు?
ఇలా ఎపుడుమారావు?
నేనే గుర్తించలేనంతగా
నీకు నువ్వే నచ్చలేనంతగా
ఇలా ఎపుడు మారావు?
వ్యక్తిత్వం వదిలి
అస్తిత్వం మరచి
వట్టి మెదడుతో అలా ఎలా
మిధ్యాలోకం లో మిద్దెలు కడుతూ
పేకమేడలెపుడన్నా చూసావా?
నీటి రాతలెపుడన్నా రాసావా?
వాటి అనందం ఎంత సేపు?
ఇప్పటికన్నా చెప్పు
మనిషిలా ఎపుడు మారతావు?
నీలా నువ్వు మళ్ళా ఎప్పుడు పుడతావు?
ఇలా ఎపుడుమారావు?
నేనే గుర్తించలేనంతగా
నీకు నువ్వే నచ్చలేనంతగా
ఇలా ఎపుడు మారావు?
వ్యక్తిత్వం వదిలి
అస్తిత్వం మరచి
వట్టి మెదడుతో అలా ఎలా
మిధ్యాలోకం లో మిద్దెలు కడుతూ
పేకమేడలెపుడన్నా చూసావా?
నీటి రాతలెపుడన్నా రాసావా?
వాటి అనందం ఎంత సేపు?
ఇప్పటికన్నా చెప్పు
మనిషిలా ఎపుడు మారతావు?
నీలా నువ్వు మళ్ళా ఎప్పుడు పుడతావు?
Thursday, April 05, 2007
How to make Adobe Acrobat load faster ?
How to make Adobe Acrobat load faster ?
As soon as you accidentally click on a pdf web link you spend the next 10 minutes waiting for Adobe Acrobat to consume all your computer's resources then clunk into life/death.
If so try this handy optimisation
1) Go to C:\Program Files\Acrobat 6.0\Reader or wherever you installed reader
2) Rename the plug_ins directory to plug_ins_disabled
3) Create an empty plug_ins directory
4) Copy the files EWH32.api, printme.api and search.api back into plug_ins
This majorly reduces start up time, and if later you find you did really need eBook.api you can just always copy it back.
As soon as you accidentally click on a pdf web link you spend the next 10 minutes waiting for Adobe Acrobat to consume all your computer's resources then clunk into life/death.
If so try this handy optimisation
1) Go to C:\Program Files\Acrobat 6.0\Reader or wherever you installed reader
2) Rename the plug_ins directory to plug_ins_disabled
3) Create an empty plug_ins directory
4) Copy the files EWH32.api, printme.api and search.api back into plug_ins
This majorly reduces start up time, and if later you find you did really need eBook.api you can just always copy it back.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
DR. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam's Speech in Hyderabad
Why is the media here so negative?
Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements? We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why?
We are the first in milk production.
We are number one in Remote sensing satellites.
We are the second largest producer of wheat.
We are the second largest producer of rice.
Look at Dr. Sudarshan, he has transferred the tribal village into a self-sustaining, self-driving unit. There are millions of such achievements but our media is only obsessed in the bad news and failures and disasters. I was in Tel Aviv once and I was reading the Israeli newspaper. It was the day after a lot of attacks and bombardments and deaths had taken place. The Hamas had struck. But the front page of the newspaper had the picture of a Jewish gentleman who in five years had transformed his desert into an orchid and a granary. It was this inspiring picture that everyone woke up to. The gory details of killings, bombardments, deaths, were inside in the newspaper, buried among other news.
In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime. Why are we so NEGATIVE? Another question: Why are we, as a nation so obsessed with foreign things? We want foreign T. Vs, we want foreign shirts. We want foreign technology.
Why this obsession with everything imported. Do we not realize that self-respect comes with self-reliance? I was in Hyderabad giving this lecture, when a 14 year old girl asked me for my autograph. I asked her what her goal in life is. She replied: I want to live in a developed India. For her, you and I will have to build this developed India. You must proclaim. India is not an under-developed nation; it is a highly developed nation. Do you have 10 minutes? Allow me to come back with a vengeance.
Got 10 minutes for your country? If yes, then read; otherwise, choice is yours.
YOU say that our government is inefficient.
YOU say that our laws are too old.
YOU say that the municipality does not pick up the garbage.
YOU say that the phones don't work, the railways are a joke, The airline is the worst in the world, mails never reach their destination.
YOU say that our country has been fed to the dogs and is the absolute pits.
YOU say, say and say. What do YOU do about it?
Take a person on his way to Singapore .. Give him a name - YOURS. Give him a face - YOURS. YOU walk out of the airport and you are at your International
best. In Singapore you don't throw cigarette butts on the roads or eat in the stores. YOU are as proud of their Underground links as they are. You pay $5 (approx. Rs. 60) to drive through Orchard Road (equivalent of Mahim Causeway or Pedder Road) between 5 PM and 8 PM. YOU come back to the parking lot to punch your parking ticket if you have over stayed in a restaurant or a shopping mall irrespective of your status identity... In Singapore you don't say anything, DO YOU? YOU wouldn't dare to eat in public during Ramadan, in Dubai. YOU would not dare to go out without your head covered in Jeddah. YOU would not dare to buy an employee of the telephone exchange in London at 10 pounds ( Rs.650) a month to, 'see to it that my STD and ISD calls are billed to someone else.'YOU would not dare to speed beyond 55 mph (88 km/h) in Washington and then tell the traffic cop, 'Jaanta hai main kaun hoon (Do you know who I am?). I am so and so's son. Take your two bucks and get lost.' YOU wouldn't chuck an empty coconut shell anywhere other than the garbage pail on the beaches in Australia and New Zealand .
Why don't YOU spit Paan on the streets of Tokyo ? Why don't YOU use examination jockeys or buy fake certificates in Boston ??? We are still talking of the same YOU. YOU who can respect and conform to a foreign system in other countries but cannot in your own. You who will throw papers and cigarettes on the road the moment you touch Indian ground. If you can be an involved and appreciative citizen in an alien country, why cannot you be the same here in India ?
Once in an interview, the famous Ex-municipal commissioner of Bombay , Mr. Tinaikar, had a point to make. 'Rich people's dogs are walked on the
streets to leave their affluent droppings all over the place,' he said. 'And then the same people turn around to criticize and blame the authorities for inefficiency and dirty pavements. What do they expect the officers to do? Go down with a broom every time their dog feels the pressure in his bowels?
In America every dog owner has to clean up after his pet has done the job. Same in Japan .. Will the Indian citizen do that here?' He's right. We go to
the polls to choose a government and after that forfeit all responsibility. We sit back wanting to be pampered and expect the government to do
everything for us whilst our contribution is totally negative. We expect the government to clean up but we are not going to stop chucking garbage
all over the place nor are we going to stop to pick a up a stray piece of paper and throw it in the bin. We expect the railways to provide clean bathrooms but we are not going to learn the proper use of bathrooms.
We want Indian Airlines and Air India to provide the best of food and toiletries but we are not going to stop pilfering at the least opportunity. This applies even to the staff who is known not to pass on the service to the public.
When it comes to burning social issues like those related to women, dowry, girl child! and others, we make loud drawing room protestations and continue to do the reverse at home. Our excuse? 'It's the
whole system which has to change, how will it matter if I alone forego my sons' rights to a dowry.' So who's going to change the system? What does a system consist of ? Very conveniently for us it consists of our neighbours, other households, other cities, other communities and the government. But definitely not me and YOU. When it comes to us actually making a positive contribution to the system we lock ourselves along with our families into a safe cocoon and look into the distance at countries far away and wait for a Mr.Clean to come along & work miracles for us with a majestic sweep of his hand or we leave the country and run away. Like lazy cowards hounded by our fears we run to America to bask in their glory and praise their system. When New York becomes insecure we run to England . When England experiences unemployment, we take the next flight out to the Gulf. When the Gulf is war struck, we demand to be rescued and brought home by the Indian government. Everybody is out to abuse and rape the country. Nobody thinks of feeding the system. Our conscience is mortgaged to money.
Dear Indians, The article is highly thought inductive, calls for a great deal of introspection and pricks one's conscience too.... I am echoing J. F. Kennedy's words to his fellow Americans to relate to Indians.....
Lets do what India needs from us.
Thank you,
Dr. Abdul Kalaam
Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements? We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why?
We are the first in milk production.
We are number one in Remote sensing satellites.
We are the second largest producer of wheat.
We are the second largest producer of rice.
Look at Dr. Sudarshan, he has transferred the tribal village into a self-sustaining, self-driving unit. There are millions of such achievements but our media is only obsessed in the bad news and failures and disasters. I was in Tel Aviv once and I was reading the Israeli newspaper. It was the day after a lot of attacks and bombardments and deaths had taken place. The Hamas had struck. But the front page of the newspaper had the picture of a Jewish gentleman who in five years had transformed his desert into an orchid and a granary. It was this inspiring picture that everyone woke up to. The gory details of killings, bombardments, deaths, were inside in the newspaper, buried among other news.
In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime. Why are we so NEGATIVE? Another question: Why are we, as a nation so obsessed with foreign things? We want foreign T. Vs, we want foreign shirts. We want foreign technology.
Why this obsession with everything imported. Do we not realize that self-respect comes with self-reliance? I was in Hyderabad giving this lecture, when a 14 year old girl asked me for my autograph. I asked her what her goal in life is. She replied: I want to live in a developed India. For her, you and I will have to build this developed India. You must proclaim. India is not an under-developed nation; it is a highly developed nation. Do you have 10 minutes? Allow me to come back with a vengeance.
Got 10 minutes for your country? If yes, then read; otherwise, choice is yours.
YOU say that our government is inefficient.
YOU say that our laws are too old.
YOU say that the municipality does not pick up the garbage.
YOU say that the phones don't work, the railways are a joke, The airline is the worst in the world, mails never reach their destination.
YOU say that our country has been fed to the dogs and is the absolute pits.
YOU say, say and say. What do YOU do about it?
Take a person on his way to Singapore .. Give him a name - YOURS. Give him a face - YOURS. YOU walk out of the airport and you are at your International
best. In Singapore you don't throw cigarette butts on the roads or eat in the stores. YOU are as proud of their Underground links as they are. You pay $5 (approx. Rs. 60) to drive through Orchard Road (equivalent of Mahim Causeway or Pedder Road) between 5 PM and 8 PM. YOU come back to the parking lot to punch your parking ticket if you have over stayed in a restaurant or a shopping mall irrespective of your status identity... In Singapore you don't say anything, DO YOU? YOU wouldn't dare to eat in public during Ramadan, in Dubai. YOU would not dare to go out without your head covered in Jeddah. YOU would not dare to buy an employee of the telephone exchange in London at 10 pounds ( Rs.650) a month to, 'see to it that my STD and ISD calls are billed to someone else.'YOU would not dare to speed beyond 55 mph (88 km/h) in Washington and then tell the traffic cop, 'Jaanta hai main kaun hoon (Do you know who I am?). I am so and so's son. Take your two bucks and get lost.' YOU wouldn't chuck an empty coconut shell anywhere other than the garbage pail on the beaches in Australia and New Zealand .
Why don't YOU spit Paan on the streets of Tokyo ? Why don't YOU use examination jockeys or buy fake certificates in Boston ??? We are still talking of the same YOU. YOU who can respect and conform to a foreign system in other countries but cannot in your own. You who will throw papers and cigarettes on the road the moment you touch Indian ground. If you can be an involved and appreciative citizen in an alien country, why cannot you be the same here in India ?
Once in an interview, the famous Ex-municipal commissioner of Bombay , Mr. Tinaikar, had a point to make. 'Rich people's dogs are walked on the
streets to leave their affluent droppings all over the place,' he said. 'And then the same people turn around to criticize and blame the authorities for inefficiency and dirty pavements. What do they expect the officers to do? Go down with a broom every time their dog feels the pressure in his bowels?
In America every dog owner has to clean up after his pet has done the job. Same in Japan .. Will the Indian citizen do that here?' He's right. We go to
the polls to choose a government and after that forfeit all responsibility. We sit back wanting to be pampered and expect the government to do
everything for us whilst our contribution is totally negative. We expect the government to clean up but we are not going to stop chucking garbage
all over the place nor are we going to stop to pick a up a stray piece of paper and throw it in the bin. We expect the railways to provide clean bathrooms but we are not going to learn the proper use of bathrooms.
We want Indian Airlines and Air India to provide the best of food and toiletries but we are not going to stop pilfering at the least opportunity. This applies even to the staff who is known not to pass on the service to the public.
When it comes to burning social issues like those related to women, dowry, girl child! and others, we make loud drawing room protestations and continue to do the reverse at home. Our excuse? 'It's the
whole system which has to change, how will it matter if I alone forego my sons' rights to a dowry.' So who's going to change the system? What does a system consist of ? Very conveniently for us it consists of our neighbours, other households, other cities, other communities and the government. But definitely not me and YOU. When it comes to us actually making a positive contribution to the system we lock ourselves along with our families into a safe cocoon and look into the distance at countries far away and wait for a Mr.Clean to come along & work miracles for us with a majestic sweep of his hand or we leave the country and run away. Like lazy cowards hounded by our fears we run to America to bask in their glory and praise their system. When New York becomes insecure we run to England . When England experiences unemployment, we take the next flight out to the Gulf. When the Gulf is war struck, we demand to be rescued and brought home by the Indian government. Everybody is out to abuse and rape the country. Nobody thinks of feeding the system. Our conscience is mortgaged to money.
Dear Indians, The article is highly thought inductive, calls for a great deal of introspection and pricks one's conscience too.... I am echoing J. F. Kennedy's words to his fellow Americans to relate to Indians.....
Lets do what India needs from us.
Thank you,
Dr. Abdul Kalaam
Thursday, January 25, 2007
రేపటి ఉదయం...నాది....
ఎదురుచూపులో ఎన్ని ఋతువులు కరిగిపోయాయో
నా కన్నీళ్ళల్లో ఎన్ని కలలు జారిపోయాయో
మనసు మెదడు తో యుద్దం చేస్తుంది
ఫలితమే ఈ నిదురలేని రాత్రి
పారిపోయిన కాలాన్ని పట్టలేనని తెలుసుకున్నాను
అందుకే ఇప్పుడు
నా పుస్తకాన్ని సరికొత్తగా ప్రారంభిస్తున్నాను
ఓ నిరాశా...
ఈ రాత్రి మాత్రమే నీది
రేపటి ఉదయం...నాది....
from snehama.blogspot.com
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Life cycle of a Software engineer
Bank Balance :
First Week : 10000
Second Week : 1000
Third Week : 100
Fourth week : 10
Conveyance :
First Week : Auto ('I can afford it')
Second Week : Share Auto ('I would like to share. I am selfless!')
Third Week : Bus ('Public figures should travel by public transport')
Fourth week : Walk ('Good for health')
Girl friends :
First Week : Eena, Meena, Tina ('I can BUY love')
Second Week : Meena, Tina ('I have enough girl friends')
Third Week : Tina ('I am loyal to her')
Fourth week : 'Huh! There is no pure love on earth!'
Mobile Maintenance :
First Week : Frequent outgoing calls ('This is what mobile is invented for')
Second Week : Restricted o! utgoing calls ('I should not create unnecessary traffic on mobile lines')
Third Week : Rare outgoing calls ('Mobile should be used in urgent situations only')
Fourth week : Only incoming calls ('I am not going to call her until she calls me')
And last....but not the least...
Boozing :
First Week : 'Come, let's go to Goa and freak out!'
Second Week : 'Man, there is nothing in Goa . Let's go
to Lonawala.'
Third Week : 'The best place to booze on earth is our house itself. what say?'
Fourth week : 'Drinking is injurious to health'
First Week : 10000
Second Week : 1000
Third Week : 100
Fourth week : 10
Conveyance :
First Week : Auto ('I can afford it')
Second Week : Share Auto ('I would like to share. I am selfless!')
Third Week : Bus ('Public figures should travel by public transport')
Fourth week : Walk ('Good for health')
Girl friends :
First Week : Eena, Meena, Tina ('I can BUY love')
Second Week : Meena, Tina ('I have enough girl friends')
Third Week : Tina ('I am loyal to her')
Fourth week : 'Huh! There is no pure love on earth!'
Mobile Maintenance :
First Week : Frequent outgoing calls ('This is what mobile is invented for')
Second Week : Restricted o! utgoing calls ('I should not create unnecessary traffic on mobile lines')
Third Week : Rare outgoing calls ('Mobile should be used in urgent situations only')
Fourth week : Only incoming calls ('I am not going to call her until she calls me')
And last....but not the least...
Boozing :
First Week : 'Come, let's go to Goa and freak out!'
Second Week : 'Man, there is nothing in Goa . Let's go
to Lonawala.'
Third Week : 'The best place to booze on earth is our house itself. what say?'
Fourth week : 'Drinking is injurious to health'
Nice scribbles
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
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DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
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